среда, 23 февраля 2011
вторник, 22 февраля 2011
сходила сегодня на лазерную эпиляцию над верхней губой... довольно таки неприятно на самом деле это все... еще и от 3 до 6 повторов необходимо делать , чтоб полностью исчезло...писали бы сразу в прайсе, что 1000 только за 1 раз а их еще хз скоко надо...

вторник, 15 февраля 2011
четверг, 10 февраля 2011
пятница, 04 февраля 2011
karma93!!! Поздравляю С Днем Рождения!!!!!!!!

Поздравляю, Здоровья, Счастья, непременно много ! Пусть будет всегда солнце в твоей душе и греет ее теплом своих лучей, пусть будет твой каждый день окрылен удачей и благополучием!!!

Поздравляю, Здоровья, Счастья, непременно много ! Пусть будет всегда солнце в твоей душе и греет ее теплом своих лучей, пусть будет твой каждый день окрылен удачей и благополучием!!!

среда, 02 февраля 2011
Julian: Brooke, before I met you I thought my world had everything it needed to be happy, I had nothing else to compare it to. Then, you walked into my life and everything changed. I realised how empty my world was without you in it, and my old life was no longer capable of making me happy, not without you. I love everything about you, Brooke. I love the way you challenge me, like no one ever has. I love the way you look at me, like no one ever has. And I love the way, you love me, like no one ever has. I can’t imagine spending my life without you. And if you say yes to me, in a few minutes, I won’t have to. You look beautiful, by the way.
Brooke: Julian, before I met you my world revolved around one thing, me. And I liked it that way, on my own. But then I met you, and you saw through the facade, you saw me. You’ve taught me to trust, how to let someone in, and what it truly means to fall in love. I can’t possibly describe how much I love you, so I’ll tell you why I love you. You see the world in a way that no one else does. And you appreciate everything, including me. There’s no one in the world like you. And if you say yes, in a few minutes, I’ll get to spend the rest of my life trying to see the world though your eyes. Appreciating everything, including you; the most unique, wonderful and terribly handsome man I’ve ever met.

Brooke: Julian, before I met you my world revolved around one thing, me. And I liked it that way, on my own. But then I met you, and you saw through the facade, you saw me. You’ve taught me to trust, how to let someone in, and what it truly means to fall in love. I can’t possibly describe how much I love you, so I’ll tell you why I love you. You see the world in a way that no one else does. And you appreciate everything, including me. There’s no one in the world like you. And if you say yes, in a few minutes, I’ll get to spend the rest of my life trying to see the world though your eyes. Appreciating everything, including you; the most unique, wonderful and terribly handsome man I’ve ever met.

Джеми меня просто покоряет, процитировал Роулинг))) Он знает , что читать))
“J.K Rowling once wrote: ‘The consequences of our actions are so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very is a very difficult business indeed.’ J.K Rowling was right. But what most of you don’t know is, Julian was able to do it. He knew a long time ago that he would find Brooke. When he was my age, which was a very, very, very, very, very long time ago, he went to a county fair. And he met a girl. Not Brooke. But they went on a bunch of rides together including the Octopus. Irrelevant to the story. But that night, Julian felt a crush for the first time. A real crush. Relax, Aunt Brooke. He was my age. So at the end of the night they decided to break this bumper car token in half. Julian has kept his half all these years. Not because he missed the girl, but because he knew somewhere out there, was the other half. His perfect match. And he was right. Today, Julian married my Aunt Brooke. She’s probably the coolest girl I know and the girl Julian’s been waiting for, since he broke this bumper car token in half a long time ago at a county fair. And today Julian gave me this token. He said he didn’t need it anymore because he found his other half. Congratulations, Julian. I think it was worth the wait.”

“J.K Rowling once wrote: ‘The consequences of our actions are so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very is a very difficult business indeed.’ J.K Rowling was right. But what most of you don’t know is, Julian was able to do it. He knew a long time ago that he would find Brooke. When he was my age, which was a very, very, very, very, very long time ago, he went to a county fair. And he met a girl. Not Brooke. But they went on a bunch of rides together including the Octopus. Irrelevant to the story. But that night, Julian felt a crush for the first time. A real crush. Relax, Aunt Brooke. He was my age. So at the end of the night they decided to break this bumper car token in half. Julian has kept his half all these years. Not because he missed the girl, but because he knew somewhere out there, was the other half. His perfect match. And he was right. Today, Julian married my Aunt Brooke. She’s probably the coolest girl I know and the girl Julian’s been waiting for, since he broke this bumper car token in half a long time ago at a county fair. And today Julian gave me this token. He said he didn’t need it anymore because he found his other half. Congratulations, Julian. I think it was worth the wait.”

02.02.2011 в 21:16
Пишет ksur:Это случилось!

Brooke, before I met you, I thought my world had everything I needed to be happy. I had nothing else to compare it to. Then you walked into my life and everything changed. I realized how empty my world was without you in it. And my old life was no longer capable of making me happy, not without you. I love everything about you Brooke. I love the way you challenge me, like no one ever has. I love the way you look at me, like no one ever has. And I love the way you love me, like no one ever has. I can’t imagine spending my life without you. And if you say yes to me in a few minutes, I won’t have to. You look beautiful by the way.
Julian, before I met you, my world revolved around one thing: me. And I liked it that way, on my own. But then I met you, and you saw through the facade. You saw me. You’ve taught me to trust, how to let someone in, and what it truly means to fall in love. I can’t possibly describe how much I love you, so I’ll tell you why I love you. You see the world in a way that no one else does. And you appreciate everything, including me. There’s no one in the world like you. And if you say yes in a few minutes, I’ll get to spend the rest of my life trying to see the world through your eyes. Appreciating everything, including you; the most unique, wonderful, and terribly handsome man I’ve ever met.
URL записи
URL записиНаконец-то))

02.02.2011 в 20:46
Пишет Xomaaa:
Brooke, before I met you, I thought my world had everything I needed to be happy. I had nothing else to compare it to. Then you walked into my life and everything changed. I realized how empty my world was without you in it. And my old life was no longer capable of making me happy, not without you. I love everything about you Brooke. I love the way you challenge me, like no one ever has. I love the way you look at me, like no one ever has. And I love the way you love me, like no one ever has. I can’t imagine spending my life without you. And if you say yes to me in a few minutes, I won’t have to. You look beautiful by the way.
Julian, before I met you, my world revolved around one thing: me. And I liked it that way, on my own. But then I met you, and you saw through the facade. You saw me. You’ve taught me to trust, how to let someone in, and what it truly means to fall in love. I can’t possibly describe how much I love you, so I’ll tell you why I love you. You see the world in a way that no one else does. And you appreciate everything, including me. There’s no one in the world like you. And if you say yes in a few minutes, I’ll get to spend the rest of my life trying to see the world through your eyes. Appreciating everything, including you; the most unique, wonderful, and terribly handsome man I’ve ever met.
One Tree Hill 8.13 | The Other Half Of Me
02.02.2011 в 07:25
Пишет Xomaaa:
“Well. When I first met Brooke Davis, she had no idea who I was. Of course everyone knew who she was, she was the most popular girl in school. She was head cheerleader, annoyingly pretty (still is), and I used to wonder back then ‘What would it be like to be friends with Brooke? Would she make me popular? Would all the boys are asking me out?’ And then one night I got to hang out with Brooke, all night. Oh, and she didn’t like my name, though, so she decided she was gonna give me a name that, uh, she did like, which ended up being Brooke. And from that moment I knew that I wanted Brooke to be my friend. Not because she was gonna make me popular, and not because boys would start asking me out, but because I got a glimpse of the real Brooke. A girl with the biggest heart that I have ever known. And you know, when you’re in high school, it’s not very easy to let people see who you really are. I could see it though, it was in the eyes. So we became friends, and now she’s my best friend. We’ve been through so much together over the years, and our friendship is still growing. So I know that your friendship and love for Julian will continue to grow every year for the rest of your lives and I feel so lucky to be a part of that. I love you, Brooke Davis.”
One Tree Hill 8.13 | The Other Half Of Me
воскресенье, 30 января 2011
Невероятно потрясающий фильм. Джони Депп просто шикарный актёр. Кейт Уинслет тоже. Вот их можно назвать актёрами с большой буквы, а таких мало в современном Голливуде. Ну а сам фильм именно для таких фанатиков истории о Питере Пене как я))) 
The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up

The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up

суббота, 29 января 2011
Сходили вечером в кино)) Впечатления потрясные!!!! Афигенный фильм! смотриться на одном дыхании! Сначала завывания Агилеры меня добивали, но потом все стало умеренно и спустя 10 мин все я влюбилась)
Саундтрек просто атпад) есть пару песен которые просто абалденны)))))))
Ну и конечно!!! Кэм Жиганде

Он просто великолепен....его глаза.... его тело....

Саундтрек просто атпад) есть пару песен которые просто абалденны)))))))
Ну и конечно!!! Кэм Жиганде

Он просто великолепен....его глаза.... его тело....

четверг, 27 января 2011
Госпади ка же сесть учить то а...один день до экзамена, ничего не учиться....

среда, 12 января 2011
суббота, 08 января 2011
начала смотреть)))
Смотрю 6 серию) Россия как всегда великолепно показана)))))))) так забавно видеть британских детишек в грузовике российском)))))))))))))))))))

Смотрю 6 серию) Россия как всегда великолепно показана)))))))) так забавно видеть британских детишек в грузовике российском)))))))))))))))))))

Думаю начать смотреть Skins думаете стоит???
пятница, 07 января 2011
балинн щу умру от скуки, книгу дочитала, сериалы досмотрела... вот зачем я Instant star заглотила за 3 дня?????
садиться учить ..ну блин не вариант....еще 2 дня до экзамена - лень пока побеждает....
Блин что посмотреть???????

садиться учить ..ну блин не вариант....еще 2 дня до экзамена - лень пока побеждает....
Блин что посмотреть???????